Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The Library Inventory Management E-System or LIMES.

Problem Statement

The library's ability to effectively track unauthorized departure of physical material is too limited with the current system. The rate of false positives and negatives is too high.
The library is incapable of producing an accurate inventory of physical materials without special funding for additional staff.
The process of discharging library material is labor intensive and there may be significant delays and errors in the process.

Library Business Requirements
I propose separating the business requirements into two categories. Requirements will consist of the absolute minimum functionality acceptable to the library. Preferences will consist of those feature we would like to see. This category should be for those features we do not have now.


  1. Must work with Aleph ILS
  2. Support the following formats:
    1. Books
    2. Optical Media (e.g. CD/DVD etc.)
  3. Does not overlap/conflict with other campus systems
  4. Support standard protocol
  5. Unobtrusive hard to I.D. (students will not easily recognize and remove it.)


  1. Improve inventory process efficiency
  2. Improve shelf reading efficiency
  3. Support Electronic Devices (e.g. laptops, ebook readers, etc)
  4. Improve security over current magnetic
  5. Automate check-in

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