Friday, April 3, 2009

LibX and Acquisitions

Ever since Robb Waltner took over Acquisitions, we've been looking at ways to modernize the book ordering process. Robb is a great manager and has some excellent ideas including the use of Blackwell's Collection Manager. Unfortunately one of the useful features of CM doesn't work properly for us. CM has the ability to use an open url to quickly search our catalog for duplicate titles. Hopefully this will be corrected in the near future but, in the mean time, I've put together a little toolbar using LibX. LibX is a site that allows you to build a toolbar for Firefox or IE that searches your catalog. I built one a long time ago but didn't see the use. Fortunately, Robb did. Try the UNF versions of the LibX toolbar if you would like. It's pretty raw but it allows you to search UNF Mango as well as drag and drop terms to Google Scholar. There's even a shameless link to this blog. Hey, if you don't like it, make your own.

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