Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Making the Move to eBooks

I've been away for a long time and I think both of the people who subscribe to this blog have mentioned my absence in passing. Promoting, acquiring and implementing new products like Primo Central, Libguides, and Digital Commons, takes a lot of time. Always in the background has been my more direct liaison work. I am several other librarians are getting the message loud and clear that the schools want ebooks. Well, we are working on it. In fact, a recent offering from Netlibrary they call the Science and Technology Subject Sets looks very intriguing to me. These subjects include:
Astronomy & Physics
Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science - 2010
Energy Technologies
Engineering & Technology
Environment & Earth Sciences
Green Technology

These titles, if purchased, would be readable on a broad variety of devices and not just via computer. As liaison to the CCEC, I'm particularly interested in the Green Technology section. This seems to be a hot topic right now and we could probabaly use the additional titles in our collection. One of the key incentives to increasing our netlibrary holdings is that title for title, the netlibrary ebooks are more popular than our print collection. Now, if only we could get Patron Driven Acquisition going, then I would really have more time to write.